Thursday, May 5, 2011

In Conclusion

          Since this is a personal blog, I feel like I should share a few things. The past few weeks have not gone well for me, my mom has been very ill and finally got the surgery she needs to make her feel better and her recovery is going okay. I’ll admit that keeping up with the blog has been a challenge. I have done so much research on Genevieve Gauckler and I wish I could tell her that she is such an amazing influence. Her artwork is so fun and creative, she is proof that you can love what you do AND have fun while you’re doing it. In every interview I have listened to or read, Genevieve has such a good outlook on life and is personable and down to earth. One of the most impressive things about Genevieve Gauckler is that she really cares. She is an amazing inspiration and I hope I can accomplish half the things she has.
          Genevieve Gauckler is so talented and skilled in such a number of things. Her art is amazing; when I say art I mean her graphic art, logos, videos, etc. She did not make a box for herself, she mastered (in my opinion) one thing and then pushed herself to try something new and to keep chipping away at it until she conquered it. That is such a good and positive work ethic, it shows that practice makes perfect and perfection is different to everybody. I’m almost positive if you asked Genevieve if she was a hundred percent happy with her work, she would be able to point out flaws in her art that only she could see. Learning this has been such a big lesson for me. Being in beginning art classes, I often make artwork that I am not overjoyed with and am nervous walking into a critique. Although, after listening to Genevieve; I learned that you take every positive and negative piece of advice and you use it to help yourself improve. Also, you may make a piece that you love and everybody else is skeptical about, but you have to follow your heart and trust yourself. If you do that, you will make a point on what you are trying to communicate, which is all that matters.
          Genevieve said that she makes fun characters out of simple shapes and colors. Honestly, I can say that when I look at her work with the characters, that is not what I see. I see a great deal of thought, and love that she put into the pieces. I feel like if you don’t put your love of the subject into the piece, you’re really not making a personal piece. That’s something else I really admire about her; she makes all of her art personal. For example, her “Food Chain” pieces are a reflection on issues that she wants to help bring into awareness. If she hadn’t put her own ideas and beliefs into the pieces, they would just be a piece of paper with characters but because of the piece of herself that go into them they cause awareness.
While researching Genevieve Gauckler, I kept mentioning to everybody that I wanted some of her work. Ironically, while I was home with my mom, I was cleaning my room and found a bunny figurine with “a twist.” The bunny some oddities that a bunny toy wouldn’t usually have, which reminded me of Genevieve Gauckler.  Slowly, I realized that I had seen the figure before. I had seen it on a website about Genevieve Gaukler! I did more research and I, found that the bunny figure had been designed by Genevieve Gauckler! It is a part of a series done by various artists for Kidrobot. Let’s just say that I was amazed that I had a piece designed by her. That bunny will never get buried under clothes again!           
          I really wish I could tell Genevieve Guckler the inspiration that she has given me has given me so much confidence in myself. In my artwork and in the way I present it. I’ve learned that I should be proud of everything I make and that I should defend it, especially if I believe in it strongly. This realization has come in very handy the past few days when I’m presenting my work to the class. Since I feel so proud of my work, it makes others realize that I am confident and serious artist. Someday, I hope that I can say that I have seen some of Genevieve Gauckler’s artwork in person. Her work has given me so much. I can’t wait to see what is next for Genevieve Gauckler.