Monday, April 11, 2011

Fourviere Hill


          As was said in my first post, Fourviere Hill is one of the oldest examples of the Roman urbanization in Lyon. During the 6th and 7th century, many religious congregations took the opportunity to build; causing the hill to be called the praying hill. There is a large portion of the land that is being used for an archeological site. In the middle of the archeological site, there is a museum of Gallo-Roman civilization. Also, inside the site, there is a theater from the time of Gaul. In 1896, the Fourviere Basilica was built in honor of the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of Lyon.

"Fourviere - Site Officiel De La Ville De Lyon." Accueil - Site Officiel De La Ville De Lyon.      Web. 11 Apr. 2011.

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