Genevieve Gauckler was born in Lyon, France in the year of 1967. I thought it would be interesting to share some MAJOR events that happened around the world during this time.
January, 1967
* January 1st- Pope Paul VI announced his Apostolic Constitution. He also declared this day World Peace Day.
* January 6th- 16,000 US and 14,000 South Vietnamese troops started the largest attack on the Iron Triangle.
* January 10th- Edward W. Brooke, R-Mass. (the first black to be elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote) took his seat.
* January 15th- The first Super Bowl was played as the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League defeated the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League, 35-10 in Los Angeles.
February, 1967
* February 1st- The US Federal Hourly Minimum Wage was set at $1.40 an hour.
* February 15th- The 1st anti-bootleg recording laws were enacted.
* February 15th- France launched its Diademe-D satellite into Earth orbit. These satellites were magnetically stabilized which limited their trackability in the southern hemisphere.
March, 1967
* March 6th- US Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson announced his plan to establish a draft lottery.
* March 14th- The body of President Kennedy was moved from a temporary grave to a permanent memorial site at Arlington National Cemetery.
* March 26th- Pope Paul VI published encyclical Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples).
* March 29th- France launched its first nuclear submarine. It did not enter operational service until 1972, when it began its first patrol on 28 January.
* March 31st- President Lyndon Johnson signed the Consular Treaty, the first bi-lateral pact with the Soviet Union since the Bolshevik Revolution.
April, 1967
* April 20th- U.S. planes bombed Haiphong for first time during the Vietnam War.
May, 1967
* May 11th- The United Kingdom re-applied to join the European Community. It is followed by Ireland and Denmark and, a little later, by Norway. General de Gaulle is still reluctant to accept British accession.
* May 15th- Edward Hopper, US painter, died in NYC. He studied in Paris but never painted in the abstract. He often used his wife, artist Josephine Nivison as his model. He was the first artist to paint the American scene as a desolate, vacant place.
* May 18th- Tennessee Gov. Buford Ellington signed a measure repealing the "Monkey Law" against teaching evolution that was used to prosecute John T. Scopes in 1925.
* May 19th- The Soviet Union ratified a treaty with the United States and Britain banning nuclear weapons from outer space. The Int’l. Outer Space Treaty barred nations from appropriating celestial bodies but did not mention individuals.
* May 29th- Pope Paul VI named 27 new cardinals, including Karol Wojtyla, archbishop of Krakow, who later became Pope John Paul II.
June, 1967
* June 5th-The Six Day War erupted in the Middle East as Israel, convinced an Arab attack was imminent, raided Egyptian military targets. Syria, Jordan and Iraq entered the conflict.
* June 12th- The US Supreme Court, in Loving v. Virginia, struck down state laws prohibiting interracial marriages.
* June 24th- Pope Paul VI published his encyclical Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (priestly celibacy).
July, 1967
* July 24th- French President Charles de Gaulle stirred controversy during a visit to Montreal, Canada, when he declared, ''Vive le Quebec libre!'' (Long live free Quebec!).
August, 1967
* August 3rd- President Lyndon B. Johnson announced plans to send 45,000 more troops to Vietnam.
September, 1967
*September 23rd- Soviets signed a pact to send more aid to Hanoi.
October, 1967
* October 9th- The British Road Safety Act, providing for use of the "breathalyser" (or breathalyzer) to detect intoxicated motorists, went into effect.
* October 21st- Tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters marched in Washington, D.C. 35,000 people assembled outside the Pentagon to protest the war in Vietnam. The "March on the Pentagon," protesting American involvement in Vietnam , drew 50,000 protesters.
November, 1967
* November 7th- Carl Stokes (1927-1996) was elected the first black mayor of a major city -- Cleveland, Ohio. He served two terms as mayor from 1967 to 1971 and was a leading advocate for increased federal aid to American cities. After serving as mayor, Stokes became a television commentator and later a judge in Cleveland.
December, 1967
* December 15th- President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the meat bill in the presence of Upton Sinclair the author of the controversial book "The Jungle."
All of the dates and events are from:
Unknown. "Timeline 1967."
Timelines of History. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.