"The most anchient vestige of Roman urbanization and evidence of Lyon's power in the Gallo-Roman period is Fourviere Hill, with its Roman theater, the Temple of Cybele and the Odeum. Lyon is, in fact, the only city in France with a permanent archeological dig" (Lyon's Neighborhoods - Site Officiel De La Ville De Lyon).In 1991 she graduated from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs. Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoraifs is located in France.
"The mission of the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Arts Decoratifs is to provide artistic, scientific, and technical training for creative designers engaged in design and research in all aspects of the decorative arts" (ENSAD, The School).The school specializes in ten areas of art: tile and texture design, interior design, product design, photography/video, multimedia/graphic design, animation, spatial design, fashion design, printed images, and stage design. She has mastered and had experience in the fields of graphic design and illustration.
Graphic design is used to inform the "audience" while attracting attention and appeals to the product."Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas" (What is Graphic Design?).
"Illustration design can be thought of as commercial art created for specific industries" (What is Illustration Design?).Genevieve Gauckler uses simple shapes to create characters that she makes relatable to everyday life.
"Starting with French label F Communications (Laurent Garnier, St Germain) she later worked with directers Kuntzel & Deygas on promos for Dimitri from Paris, Pierre Henry and Sparks, as well as commercials (e.g. Yves Saint Laurent's Live Jazz), titles for French/German cultural TV-channel Arte and some short movies. She has also art-directed the franco-nippon fanzine 'Minimix'" (B.I.O.).She has accomplished much more than I listed, the works listed are just a few examples. Genevieve Gauckler, also, has two books about her art published currently. Lastly, she is known for her graphic novels and short movies.
Genevieve Gauckler does a lot of work involving food. Food had a large impact on our lives so she likes to blend it into her work. She usually uses two subjects and places them together in order to create a whole, without one of the parts the piece would be incomplete. She chooses to title her works such as
"'Food Chain'... simple but powerful words" (Pretty Cool People Interviews; Genevieve Gauckler).About her own work she says her style,
"resembles logos, they are very simple. It would be hard to simplify them, they are colorful and childlike" (Pretty Cool People Interviews: Genevieve Gauckler).I hope you have enjoyed the introduction to the artist Genevieve Gauckler. I will be going into more detail and depth about her life in the days to come!
Bibliography for today:
"B.I.O." Stereohype.com. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. http://www.stereohype.com/pages/info.aps.
"ENSAD, The School." ENSAD, Actualites. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. http://www.ensad.fr/spip.php? rubrique53.
"Lyon's Neighborhoods - Site Officiel De La Ville De Lyon." Accueil- Site Officiel De La Ville De Lyon. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. http://www.lyon.fr/vdl/sections/en/tourisme/fil_quartier.
"Pretty Cool People Interviews: Genevieve Gauckler." Free Movies | Watch Movies | Free Movies Online | Watch Online Movies | Indie Movies Online. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. http://www.indiemoviesonline.com/watch-movies/pretty-cool-people-interviews-genevive-gauckler.
"What is Graphic Design? -AIGA | The Professional Association for Design." AIGA | The Professional Association for Design. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. http://www.aiga.org/content.cfm/guide-whatisgraphicdesign.
"What is Illustration Design?" Premier Online Directory of Degree Programs & Career Planning Articles and Videos from Top Colleges and Universities. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. http://degreedirectory.org/articles/What_is_Illustration_Design.html.
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